Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Too many accounts

     Well, to express the sentiment of the "I'm a Mac and I'm a PC" commecials: I am coming to a sad realization. Namely that I have way too many online interests to deal with. I find the whole facebook thing fun and interesting, and I have my work email, my personal email, and now my own blog. Now, it may not sound like much, but I have no time to keep up with them all, do my online shopping, read my favorite online news sites, take care of my wife's and children's technical problems, and watch the latest Strong Bad Emails all in one week. ( I can already feel your sympathy. )
     In any case, the one that has my attention for the time being is the blog. It forces me to have to think long enough to compose something that is an expression of myself for potentially no audience at all. Now why would I want to do that? I don't know, maybe because I'm the kind of person who talks to himself on a regular basis and this is just another form of that. So, I guess I do have an audience even if it is just me. The good thing is, my self-talk outside of a blog tends to be more as a result of the negative. Here, I feel more positive.
     So, here I shall post, but refrain from "going postal". See, I feel better already :-)

1 comment:

ballast photography said...

Yes, it's theraputic, isn't it? And contageous. You should check Tranquil Thunder.