Sunday, August 26, 2007

I Got a Golden Ticket

     Although I wouldn't mind a trip to the chocolate factory, that's not the kind of ticket I received. It is a ticket to something far sweeter, the joys of which will be everlasting. After one very packed year of study, service, and scrutiny I have received a positive answer to my prayers in the form of a letter from my beloved bishop. The letter states that he has accepted my petition and the favorable recommendation of my evaluators; and so, this September, I will be installed as a "candidate" in the "Diaconate Formation Program" in the Diocese of Harrisburg, PA. Now, having made it thus far, there is still no guarantee that he will eventually grant me the grace of the "laying on of hands", but it is nonetheless a significant milestone on the path to becoming a Deacon.
     Many Christians today do not see the significance in being ordained a Deacon. Practically all modern denominations have demoted the deacon to the ranks of an adviser or trustee. Far worse, it is not even an ordained office in their eyes, so they wonder what the big deal is. The Deacon, however, has been a significant ordained office in the Church since the time of the Apostles. We see in scripture how the Deacons were ordained for service by the apostles in Acts and had the authority to preach, teach, and represent the Church in an official capacity. The lives of Stephen and Phillip come to mind as do the passages from Saint Paul that speak of being "sent". Elsewhere we can read the words of Saint Ignatius of Antioch, a disciple of the Apostle John, who says
"Indeed, when you submit to the bishop as you would to Jesus Christ, it is clear to me that you are Jesus Christ.... [D]o nothing without the bishop, and that you be subject also to the presbytery [priests], as to the apostles of Jesus Christ.... It is necessary also that the deacons, the dispensers of the mysteries [sacraments] of Jesus Christ, be in every way pleasing to all men. For they are not the deacons of food and drink, but servants of the Church of God." (Letter to the Trallians 2:1-3 [A.D. 110]).
     The invitation to candidacy could not have come on a more significant day for it was the "Feast of the Queenship of Mary". For particular reasons, I had confided my prayers to the Blessed Mother, whom the Sacred Scriptures have revealed to be the queen of all those who follow Christ and keep his commandments.(Rev 12) I truly expected that I would have my letter in hand on August 15th (the Feast of the Assumption), but with faith in Christ, I continued steadfast knowing He would hear our prayers. I am very thankful for this gift so close to my birthday and look forward to another year sitting at the feet of the Master.

Monday, August 20, 2007

So-Called Weekend Projects

     If anyone here has ever truly finished a do-it-yourself, home improvement type, "weekend project" in one weekend, in its entirety, without a single item left unfinished for the next three years when you finally "get to it", please raise your hand. I am not talking about your simple, run of the mill, paint job or putting together your new grill. What I am pretty much working toward here is that no matter how much time you think you need to get it done, it's going to take longer.
     In addition, I find that there is always something you didn't count on. So far - praised be to our beloved Lord - I haven't hit that one yet, but I'll give it some more time. Why more time? Well because if you look at the timestamp on this post you'll see that the weekend is over. Sadly, the project is not finished, but it's looking good. I'll have to get a shot of it. After bed, after peeling my aching body out of bed, and after work tomorrow. I hope someone out there is praying for me by now!
     Good night.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

2 Days 'Til Vacation

     I have two days to go before leaving for a much-desired, eagerly-anticipated, and dearly-needed vacation. Yet, I fear that I have so much to accomplish in the next two days for stability's sake that, if I don't get it all done, I will be thinking about it during vacation. Part of me wants to just say, "Oh well, it's a good thing no one will be able to reach me in the distant hills of wherever". (Location ommitted in case anyone had any ideas of tracking me down.) The more responsible side of me thinks I would be derelict to leave it all behind especially if it's incomplete. The best I can do at this point, instead of trying to get it all done, is to stop wasting my lunch time on this blog and start getting people comfortable with the status of everything and letting them know who will handle it, if anyone, and what will happen when I get back. Does that sound fair? I hope so, because if it's not, I'll waste my vacation worrying about it.